Sunday, January 4, 2009

Justified in Justification

I need to be spending this time studying. But, I'm here. So, 'cause I'm here I might as well type in.

Have you ever noticed that, "Everyone thinks that what they Do is Right always"
Even if they know it's Wrong, it's Right. Even Wrong is Right.
They surround all their justifications to suit what they Think is Right.
And, what they think is always Right.
All their justifications spring from that. They Go around that, They Go to amazing lengths to prove their justifications.
Like, Justifying our Justifications for our next Justification.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Save a Muse for Me

Am I gonna use up all my muse, all that I've to say, here?
Don't I fear over exhaustion of brain cells cramming thoughts into narrow blogspaces.
More than that, the throats are too many for the voice I've.
More blogs to speak out.

I guess, I'm into the principle,
"Ah wait, there'll be more where this came from"

Something else.
You don't always need a muse to write something good.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Full Thought'le

I think, therefore I'm.
I'm, therefore I think.

I'm not.
I just think, I'm.

Contradicting myself, is a way I while away time with. Otherwise, I'm a normal guy living his normal life always content always complacent, with the way things are. Otherwise, I'd be thoughtless. Not thoughtless, literally but, somewhat metaphorically. Thoughtless, as in why things change. Otherwise I'm happy the way I'm.

It's no greed. It's me! It's the metamorphosis I live.
I've never been satisfied, with at least the stuff I really care about - writing... et cetera. You're always looking for more. Grabbing your thought processes into focus - Focusing more creative dimensions into brevity.

I realized something: I don't like people agreeing with me. I like to be disagreed with.
If I'm talking with someone and, I'm not disagreed with, I'd rather be talking to myself.